Welcome to the GProX homepage
System Requirements
- The software has been tested on computers running Microsoft Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit, English language version.
- To allow GProX to connect to the internet the user must have administrator privileges on the computer.
- R-environment installed on the computer (performed by GProX).
- Add-in packages for R (performed by GProX).
- An internet connection is required to install components of the program (i.e. the statistical language R and necessary R packages) and to provide important program features (e.g. protein information retrieval from Ensembl or pathway mapping utilizing services at KEGG).
- Installation of Adobe Reader to display generated PDF images inside the program.
Input file Requirements
- Tab- or character (not semi-colon) delimited file.
- First row must contain column headers.
- Columns header must be unique (none-redundant).
- Each protein entry on separate rows.
- Accession key must be present for all protein ids.
- Quantitation columns must only contain numbers or blanks, no text.